On Guard, the Story of the Rapier

From Rootes Review: Vol 3, No. 1 January/February 1978 Jan Eyerman The Rootes brothers were aware by the early fifties that a replacement for the “90” would be necessary. Both the engine and the chassis were becoming obsolete. The engine was a long stroke four that had been converted from side valves to overhead valves (more…)

Bulletin 66-4: 1725cc Crankshaft End Play

NUMBER: 66-4 DATE: July 26, 1966 GROUP: Engine SUBGROUP: Crankshaft End Play MODELS: Alpine V; Hillman Minx VI; Super Minx IV; Humber Sceptre II; Sunbeam Rapier V; Singer Gazelle VI; Singer Vogue IV SUBJECT: Crankshaft End Play – 1725cc Engine Recent reports received from the field indicate excessive crankshaft end play in the 1725 c.c. (more…)

Bulletin 60-184: Rapier & Alpine “D”-type Overdrive Oil

NUMBER:60-184 DATE: May 31, 1960 GROUP: TRANSMISSION & OVERDRIVE MODEL: SUNBEAM RAPIER AND ALPINE SUBJECT: “D” TYPE OVERDRIVE OIL LEAKS TO ALL ROOTES GROUP DEALERS For some time we have investigated a few cases of overdrive failure due to oil loss which became associated with sustained high speed driving. It is felt that to overcome (more…)