Sunbeam Trademark

Jim Anderson Published in Rootes Review August 2008 There’s been some misinformation floating around about the trademark issue and this may clear some things up. The name “Sunbeam Alpine” for automotive and associated products (such as T-shirts, caps, etc) was denied in May to Michael Hughes (not Holmes) of Duluth, GA and Carson City, NV. (more…)

Tigers East/Alpines East Loses a Founding Father

Walter John SwiftAugust 11, 1920-March 10, 2002A Celebration of Life By Gordon Holsinger On Sunday, March 10, 2002, the Sunbeam community lost a great friend. Walter John Swift (Uncle Wally) to many of us died while watching an autocross of an apparent heart attack. Wally passed away on March 10, 2002 at 83 refusing to (more…)

President’s Letters: 2001

January 2001 Another Year of the Sunbeam has passed, as we now enter 2001. And the Club has continued to mature and develop. Looking back on the year, there are some highlights worthy of mention. Early in 2000, the membership voted to make significant changes to the governance of TE/AE by updating and changing the (more…)

President’s Letters: 2000

January, 2000 I hope everyone had a Happy Holiday and didn’t overdo the Y2K celebration! And now the slow winter months are upon us & car-wise. While we have yet to receive any snow here in Boston as of the date of this writing, I have already put the Tiger up for the winter. But (more…)

Because Three Won’t Fit

From Rootes Review Vol. 26, #3, March 2000 By Jim Morrison The Tiger pictured here received the first place award in the Concours Personalized class at SUNI III in 1999. I am quite proud to have accomplished this against some extremely nice cars. But it is even sweeter because of how the car came to (more…)

President’s Letters: 1999

July 1999: Change Change & it’s happenin’ all the time. And it’s happening here at TE/AE in a number of ways. You have read about some of the changes and initiatives towards change previously in this column. In this issue I wanted to present some changes that I hope you will agree will make TE/AE (more…)

Hey Mister, What Kind of Car Is That?

From Rootes Review Vol. 11, #2, February 1986 by Edward W. Warren My wife bought it new in 1964 because she thought Elizabeth Taylor looked cool driving one in Butterfield 8. It still sits in the garage 21 years later leaking oil on the floor forcing me to leave the BMW outside. We don’t dare (more…)

The Volvo Alpine

From Rootes Review Vol. 11 #1, January 1986 by Steve Hansen If anyone had any doubts at all that Sunbeams are fast becoming collector cars, the following story should put those doubts to rest once and for all. I know it is true because it happened to me during a recent business trip to California. (more…)

Tiger Fever

From Rootes Review Vol. 10, #7, July 1985 by George Roberts Sigmund Freud would have had a field day psychoanalyzing a Sunbeam Tiger owner. Are we normal or are we mentally unbalanced? There is a shroud over the Tiger owner’s brain which is activated at any unsuspecting moment or place. This “SHROUD” is totally composed (more…)

The Tiger and the Snake

From Rootes Review Vol. 10, #7, July 1985 The following is a fictitious story written for the TE/AE membership. by Ted McClintock This was a mission of mercy for Alan Davidson and his 1967 Sunbeam Tiger. He bounded through the side door of the Bedford Hospital with his keys in one hand and the little (more…)