United X – 1986

by Bobbi Woerth

Every club/event has its share of war stories and TE/AE is definitely no exception (have I ever told you about my first hour with my first Tiger? Room for that in another newsletter.). Our trek to Indy brought people together from coast to coast and the resulting list of casualties might make any sane person stop and consider our passion. However, being as departed as we are from the sensible thing to do, we take calamity as part of everyday living (wire coat hangers as a major shock item of the spares cache definitely proves that).
I guess I should claim myself, as the first casualty–3 year olds with a fever of 103 F can’t be fixed with a coat hanger and duct tape. I keep telling myself: there’s always next year ….

Some other exciting Sunbeam adventures were had by Keith Queen (CA) who faced and defied a burned out starter and clutch/pressure plate problems. Carol & Dennis Mancini (CA) handled a number of minor nuisances and a totally destroyed axle bearing gave them the United extra: an exciting ride in a tow truck (what a unique entrance to the United!). Not to be bored on the way home, they took the time to go deer hunting (next time we suggest a bow & arrow, not the front end of a Tiger. Headlines like “TIGER MUTILATES BAMBI–story on page 53” can only cause total panic in some small towns).

Bernie Selmanski hassled with his starter and generator and finally faced the ultimate–officer friendly. Breakdowns can be tolerated, but twenty-year-old cars should be exempt from tickets, especially when one drives in from CA! Frank & Margot Simms (CA) faced the same officer friendly (group discounts?).

Dr. John & Holly Bruney (OH) drove their Harrington LeMans in a little late after repairing a fan through the radiator.

Mike Mooney and Pedro Posadas (NY) were rumored to have been hailed by officer friendly in KY along the Interstate (any truth to that nasty tidbit, boys?).
Frank & Edith Parker (TX) had some prince of darkness difficulties; generator to alternator or vice versa got them back home–we hope.

Then there’s the Kathmanns (NM ex PA)… John swears there is absolutely no connection whatever between the Sunday autocross and the Monday trip to the trans shop (we hope the new one is guaranteed for as long as you own the car).

Well, that’s the list as we heard them. There are probably more, but those are the only “You think you had it bad” tales relayed to yours truly. Several observations can be made from the above

  1. Sunbeam owners are a hardy and determined lot when it comes to their cars, and
  2. The road to Indy is not paved with spares (just littered with some discards).

See ya in Valley Forge!

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