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    • #57726

      How are you getting the HP to the ground?
      How are you controlling the rear axle with the high HP?

      I am open to just about anything that will not permanently change the car.

      You know I would be asking these questions after putting the 347 in the car….. 😉


    • #64116

      38 views and nothin……thanks guys.

    • #64119
      Jeff Nichols

        I think everyone is overwhemed contemplating the HP you are generating. You are on the cutting edge……a pioneer of sorts……no easy answers.

      • #64120

        Or guys like me who are mostly stock and haven’t really changed the original setup.

      • #64121

        It’s really great to have someone doing the experimental work on improving the performance of the Tiger. Even if we don’t all have the luxury of all that horsepower we can still take some of the modifications and apply them to our stock motors. Maybe not get the HP you have, but make our cars perform better than ever.

        Keep up the good work and keep us informed. Just because we don’t always answer on a timely basis does not mean we are not interested.

        Fred Baum

      • #64124

        Auto’s trans 😆 Chysler rear end 😆 Cal-Tracs 😆 adj rear shocks 😆 245-60-15 tires 😆 2stage boost controller 400hp to the rear on first and about 745hp on 12lbs of boost 😆 9:46 @ 146mph yee-ha
        I just seen a video a while back seeing a Tiger on the rear bumper leaving the line.

      • #64132
        quote Twin Turbo Tiger:

        245-60-15 tires

        Hey Jerry, I have followed your car closely on the various forums you post on. Great car and fantastic results. I would be ecstatic to get my car in the 11’s. Please post details on the wheels you are using and what you have done to get the 245 to clear. Would also like to know some of your lesson learn when you were running NO2.

        As far as "You are on the cutting edge……a pioneer of sorts", I feel that I have done nothing new. With guys modify these cars for 45 years now, I absolutely do not want to do anything new. New =’s expensive.

        I am looking at the torque arm and quad shock option to help control the rear end.

        Thanks for the feedback thus far.

      • #64137
        quote Duke:

        quote Twin Turbo Tiger:

        245-60-15 tires

        Hey Jerry, I have followed your car closely on the various forums you post on. Great car and fantastic results. I would be ecstatic to get my car in the 11’s. Please post details on the wheels you are using and what you have done to get the 245 to clear. Would also like to know some of your lesson learn when you were running NO2.

        As far as “You are on the cutting edge……a pioneer of sorts”, I feel that I have done nothing new. With guys modify these cars for 45 years now, I absolutely do not want to do anything new. New =’s expensive.

        I am looking at the torque arm and quad shock option to help control the rear end.

        Thanks for the feedback thus far.

        Duke when I started out racing my tiger it started as a 14:90 something car, then it broke the rear end so I put a 8 3/4 chysler rear end in with a 3:90 gear, then a C-4 tranny and 3500 conv. then a 150shot of NOS I ran NOS for a long time and also I ran the stock 13" lat wheels with American Racer tires and got the car in the 10’s. Now it started getting tough to go any faster.
        Duke, I’m really old school on alot of stuff. I have’nt heard a whole lot on the torque arm, but I run a copy "cat" of the cal-trac system. To get the bigger tires on I move the springs inboard by taking the spacer on the back of the spring and moving it to the other side of the spring perch then I rewelded another spring perch in the front some work but it worked. I also cut the inner fender up about 10" and also took most of the inner lip of the fender well out and rolled it up. I did’nt want to flair out the fender wheels so I took a small pipe and carefully rolled it back and forth and stretched the fender out a little. I moved the rear end back about 3/4 of inch I slotted the perch so the spring pin would stay aligned.
        I got up to a 375 shot with the NOS was’nt going any faster but really blowing stuff up 🙁 That when we changed to a power gluide and a World Products short block some good AFR heads and a couple of turbo’s, the car goes into the 9’s with ease and I have’nt really put a bunch of boost to it.
        Everybody thinks I’m crazy for running the car this fast with out a full roll cage and all the safety stuff and I’m not saying something could’nt happen and i PRAY every time I make a pass something does’nt happen. If it was a decicated race car I would change out alot of things, but its my go to the store car, drive to a car show and sometimes we even drive it to church so my God has a chance to take a look at it and keep me safe.

      • #64144

        Was that just a couple of hours in one afternoon, or did it take a couple of afternoons?

      • #64145
        quote cbroadbooks:

        Was that just a couple of hours in one afternoon, or did it take a couple of afternoons?

        Chip just a couple of long weekends 😀
        Is it running yet!!!!!! 😆 😆

      • #64146

        I’m waiting for my buddy from New Mexico to decide he needs to take his wife to the Biltmore house in Asheville, and fly out for one of those LONG WEEKENDS 😆 😆 😆

        Do you have your Foster Tiger purring the way it should be yet?

        P.S. He’s got a free place to stay

      • #64147
        quote cbroadbooks:

        I’m waiting for my buddy from New Mexico to decide he needs to take his wife to the Biltmore house in Asheville, and fly out for one of those LONG WEEKENDS 😆 😆 😆

        Do you have your Foster Tiger purring the way it should be yet?

        P.S. He’s got a free place to stay

        Biltmore area is where my wife and I went on our honeymoon 20yrs ago it would be nice to revisit 🙂
        Yes the foster Tiger is running better everyday.
        Don’t worry you can do it.
        Sorry to jump this topic 😕

      • #64198
        Mark Petri
          quote Duke:

          38 views and nothin……thanks guys.

          Duke –
          Sorry, I don’t see everything on every section of this forum…. just saw this today.
          Did you see the series of articles in "Classic Motorsports" on their Project Tiger? They restored/built a super car for touring, occasional Auto-X, etc. He built a 331 stroker for it, can’t remember the exact numbers but it was over 400 hp at the crank. The articles are very detailed about engine, suspension, brakes, wheels, tires, etc.
 … eam-tiger/
          You could probably contact Tim there directly, he is sky-high on Tigers.
          Good luck.

        • #64204

          Thanks Mark,

          I have all of those articles cut out and in a folder. I followed the project from day one.

        • #64370
          Mike Schreiner

            I have these….Taken off a Tiger that was drag raced in it’s past….they mount on the bottom plate at center of the leaf springs….if used again I would think the shock part would need to be rebuilt or relpaced…..see link ofr pics as I cannot ever figure how to post a picture here….Mike
   … 20control/

          • #64406

            That looks exactly like the set-up on my Tiger. It was also used for drag racing in the sixties. Were that also KONI’s being used?
            Unfortunately Koni does not rebuild these anymore. At least I tried 20 years ago. Robert

          • #64582

            I wonder if quad shocks from a late model Mustang would work if the Koni’s can’t be found. They’re a dime a dozen. Lot’s of Mustang guys (me included) remove them for various reasons and have them laying around. No, mine aren’t for sale.


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