Special Exhibit

The Best of Britain

at the Simeone Foundation Museum
Philadelphia, PA
On display thru Feb 26, 2012

According to the Museum Staff, there are 3 features to the display – MGs, Triumphs, and V8 cars.

A Mark 1a Tiger will be included as an example with the V8 group.

For more information, check out: simeonemuseum.org/events/2012-best-of-britain-show

Comments (1)

There are a total of 10 “V8” cars included: Allard, Cobra [roadster], Tiger, Griffith, Diamler SP250, Triumph Stag & TR8, Morgan Plus 8 & Aero 8 and an MGB-GT/V8. They have MGs back into the ’30s plus a bunch of Triumphs. The MGs/Triumphs are mostly arraned in pairs with their competitive rivals.

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