The General Membership Meeting was called to order by VP Gary Holman at 3:12 pm in the Hospitality Suite of the United host hotel. Approximately 50 members were in attendance.

Meeting slides are posted here

The full Treasurer’s Report is available in the slides

According to the 2021 Balance Sheet Annual Profit/Loss Comparison

  • 2021 – $1,080.49 (would be roughly ($2,619.40) without SUNI profit)
  • 2020 – $328.07  (would be roughly ($2,640.67) if we didn’t get United refund or United financials)
  • 2019 – ($2,743.13)
  • 2018 – ($1,878.22)

This is a negative trend based on Membership vs. Newsletter

Joe McConlogue reports that Membership stands at 520 members

  • 39.6% of members choose the electronic version of the Newsletter.
    Therefore, 60.4% choose printed version
  • 36% pay by check
  • 64% pay by credit card
  • 34% use auto-renewal
  • 21 members (4%) have no email address

Motor City has no regional rep. Joe asked for volunteers.  Nobody did.

Kerch McConlogue reported on the Rootes Review

Due to a mix-up with the printer in May, the publication was not printed. The electronic version was available on line from early in the month.  A double issue, 32 pages for May and June, was printed and mailed.

It was proposed to the board that we publish an issue every month, but only print and mail it every other month. If the club decided to do this on purpose going forward, we could save approximately $6,000 (see details in the slides).  While the board decided against this option at their last meeting, a show of hands of the membership was overwhelmingly in favor of the double printed issue. Only one person in the crowd objected.

Total Facebook membership to date is more than 1.1K

New Business

2022 Elections

  • Gary asked for volunteers or nominees to run for three board positions and all officers.  None were offered.
  • We also need a Regional Representative for the Midwest Region.

United 40 (2023)

  • 2023 Venue: Bowling Green, KY
  • Dates: Sep 14-17, 2023
  • Host Hotel: Holiday Inn University Plaza
  • Room Rate $129 incl breakfast. Guaranteed room block=50 rooms/night (200 room nights). 3 days Early arrival/Late departure OK

Looking Forward: United 41 (2024):

  • Robert Jaarsma has proposed a New England United for 2023
  • Robert reports that West Lebanon, NH has everything we need and he has done preliminary research

Donation to Rootes Archive

  • The board decided back in January to hold off on a donation to the Rootes Archive Trust until the end of the year pending 2022 budget developments.  
  • Any money collected at this United will be credited as TEAE donation

Business Planning

  • Tiger Tom Ehrhart proposed, and the board approved, a three year Business Planning Committee
  • The mission is find ways to better serve the Rootes Marque, grow the membership , and generally improve the club.
  • Committee is formed of representatives of: Board, Officer(s), Regional Rep(s), General Membership. Tom particularly wants to find a member west of the Mississippi. 
  • Nobody volunteered.

Meeting was adjourned at 3:34 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Kerch McConlogue