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    • #79002

      I hope that this finds you safe and healthy. The current pandemic has certainly left us in Strange Times.
      The National MS Society is doing its best to stay on track while keeping everyone safe, and also complying with various Federal and State mandates. Thus our local 4-26-2020 (Hemi Day?) Walk MS event has been switched to a “virtual” event. I’m not 100% sure what that is supposed to mean, but it is my intent to “stay the course”. I’ll walk the prescribed 4 miles around our neighborhood with social distancing or by myself.
      As many of you know, my wife Nancy has been hit hard by Multiple Sclerosis.
      For anyone that isn’t familiar, this is a nasty disease that is mainly found in women ages about 25 to 50. There is no current prevention or cure, leaving loved ones feeling mostly helpless.
      Nancy was diagnosed with MS back in the mid-90s while still in her 30’s.
      There is plenty of further info on the National MS Society website, if you are interested. The thing that stands out to me the most is the need for research $$.
      Thus – I fundraise by doing the Walk MS event every year. To make a donation – Simply click on the link below, mail a check, or contact me directly.

      Click here to visit my personal page:
      Our TE-AE family has come up big here in the past – once again any and all donations will be helpful and appreciated.

    • #79466

      Many thanks to all donors. I picked a nice weather day for my Walk and was very careful to maintain social distancing. Everyone who kicked-in should have rec’d an individual Thank You email. In spite of these “unprecedented times”, we’ve raised more $$ than any other year – super job TE-AE.

    • #79941

      Thanks for doing this each year Mark and all the best to you and Nancy!

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