Watch Your Rear… Brake Lights, That Is!

For years, I have talked to other vintage car owners concerned with the less than adequate lighting on our vehicles. A few years ago, I improved some of the problem by adding relays for the headlights, and LED bulbs in the other exterior socket locations. Still, it seemed that the rear of our vehicles needed (more…)

K28 – How to Remove Broken Bleeder Screws

by Gary Durborow and Tom Ehrhart in the April 1982 RootesReview: Many Sunbeam owners have discarded wheel cylinders and clutch slave cylinders needlessly because the bleeder screws broke off while trying to remove them. For the most part, these cylinders can be repaired quite easily at a considerable savings over the price of a new (more…)

K27 – Rear Disk Brakes for Alpines and Tigers

by John Logan in the May 2007 RootesReview: Why should I put disk brakes on my Sunbeam? Do you wish your Sunbeam had more rear braking power? Would you like to eliminate brake adjustments, maintain short pedal travel and have self-adjusting emergency brakes? If so, consider replacing the rear drum brakes with disk brakes. I (more…)

K26 – A Technical Flare (for tubing)

by Clark Vegazo in the December 2007 RootesReview: I was reading the latest (August) issue of HOT ROD magazine, when I came upon an article about the proper method of flaring tubing. It brought me back to 1981. A friend & I were driving north on I-95, heading for the United-V in Savannah, GA. Driving (more…)

K25 – Brake Fluid Selection

by Tom Ehrhart in the March 2002 RootesReview: When should you use Silicon vs. Girling Brake Fluid? Use silicone brake fluid for street driving and occasional collector car type use and use Girling brake fluid for racing applications. Why? Both fluids have their virtues and liabilities. For the owner, it is a matter of compromises (more…)

K24 – Exploring Brake Fluids and Seals

originally published as BRAKE FLUID ••••• which one to use? by Tiger Tom in the December 2000 RootesReview: One of the failure modes of our hydraulic systems (brake and clutch) is the deterioration of the rubber seals to the point they no longer retain the fluids in the cylinders. We call it leaking. The seals (more…)

K23 – Servo Units

by Marc James Small in the April 1977 RootesReview, edited by Tom Calvert Regarding the article on servo unit rebuilding by Antoni Wojtowicz and M. del Prado in the August, ’77 issue, the system is truly fine and honing does appear to work, though not to be vitally necessary. I’ve rebuilt them both ways, and (more…)

K22 – Better Brake Fluids

reprinted from Motor Trend, December 1990 in the March 1996 RootesReview Many questions have arisen about the use of silicone (DOT 5) brake fluids in their cars. I spotted this article in Motor Trend explaining the advantages and disadvantages in their use. As you read this, you will get some idea of what is the (more…)

K21 – Four Wheel Disc Brakes

by Dick Nye in the September 1995 RootesReview (reprinted from Tiger Tales Vol. 25 #4) What do a Sunbeam Tiger, Fiat124, Datsun B-210, $200 and your friendly machine shop have in common? Give up? They’re all necessary to convert your Tiger’s rear drums to disc brakes for an incredible improvement in stopping power. I’d heard (more…)

K1 – A Warning About Silicone Brake Fluid

by Jim Morrison I am a firm believer in silicone brake and clutch fluid in Sunbeams. Unlike the Girling fluid, it is not hygroscopic (thereby keeping the inside of the master and slave cylinders from collecting water and corroding), and won’t take the paint off your car even if you area bit careless. But I (more…)