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    • #56298

      I am happy to see TE/AE has stepped up with a message board way to go! My hat is off to the club for doing so. What fun I get to be the first one to post in the Alpine section! Now lets see if I can put a picture of my V6 project up.

    • #58669

      Thanks Jim for offering to help with this forum! Congrats for being the first to post a photo as well….Eric ๐Ÿ™‚

    • #58676

      This is great and was something TE/AE needed.
      I love all Sunbeams being stock or modified.There still is the 63 in our family and I had sold the stock 66 Tiger last year.
      Some of you know I built a Lister clone some years back.This also has the redesigned front end that I did with Mustang 2 parts.I now am changing that poor little tired out 2.6 V6 out of the 62 after 27 years of faithful service. I’m now putting in a super nice 302.No it won’t be called a Tiger but then it won’t be called an Alger either.

    • #58685

      I was just looking at my extra 2.8 in my garage at lunchtime today. It will be going the turbo route. I have been thinking supercharger too. It seems like it would be easier. Of course it will be just as expensive.
      Bryan ๐Ÿ˜€

    • #58687


        i think turbo will be easier as the supercharger will have to go through the bonet to fit at a guess. Still whatever makes it go/look the way you want ;).

      • #58694

        Hi Guys!

        I’m glad to see all my friends here. It feels like old home week.

        Jose ๐Ÿ˜€

      • #58695


        Either of them would make good power, but the turbo doesn’t draw power from the engine, so ultimately makes more power than the blower. The blower will draw about 20 hp. for a small one, and more, as you go bigger.

        Jose ๐Ÿ™‚

      • #58696

          Jose, (v6 Jose) where do you get this nickname? ๐Ÿ˜ˆ glad to see there is a board we can chat alpines.. unholy or not.. so who wants to talk webers on alpines?

        • #58697

          [quote="V6 JOSE"]Hi Guys!

          I’m glad to see all my friends here. It feels like old home week.

          It sure is like old home week.Sure doesn’t take long for us to find a good thing.
          I now need 3 cups of coffee in the AM while checking out the forums.
          8) another sunny is OHHH so good.

        • #58698
          quote alpine_64:

          Jose, (v6 Jose) where do you get this nickname? ๐Ÿ˜ˆ glad to see there is a board we can chat alpines.. unholy or not.. so who wants to talk webers on alpines?


          My actual birth name is Jose. When I was in about the third grade, my teacher saw that I’d put Jose on my paper and she didn’t like it, so she scratched it out and wrote Joseph, and told me, “You’re in the United States now”! I didn’tlike it at the time, but what can an eight year old do. I used it from then on and it became my AKA for about 52 years. I decided to take back my real name, so that’s why the Jose. The V6 part of it is obvious.

          Jose ๐Ÿ˜€

        • #58725

          Hi Guys,

          good to see another place to talk about Sunbeams! The great familiar faces I see and hopefully some new ones to meet also.

          Here’s some insight into my Sunbeam experience:


        • #58858

          Been visiting for awhile. Glad to see a new venue. I just hope i’m one of the “welcome” people.

        • #58860

          Certainly you are welcome. How can you make trouble with your latest stash of cars and parts?
          I have cannibalized at least 15 Rootes cars and restored and/or refurbishes 6. In fact I’m in the process of writing an article for the Rootes Review about Sunbeam Parts dealing & wheeling tid bits.

        • #58861

          Hi Jeff,
          You are welcome is nice to see you.

          Robert nice idea on a write up should make for an interesting read.

        • #58862

          Thanks guys, and if anyone has a request for an odd part from an SI or SII let me know. I’m thinning the stock a bit, 2 of the cars are just not worth keeping whole.
          And to be honest, for what I paid for the cars, although mostly REALLY rough, getting my dad a Tiger was worth the whole bill. So anything above that is gravy and i’d be glad to share however possible.
          And no, i’m not sucking up. I just wanted to be neighborly without a vulture free for all.

        • #59097

          Hi Jim,
          My 67 Alpine, which I bought four years ago from Earl Bond, is coming out of its winter cocoon, and as I begin to run it, I think maybe the front suspension is set too high. But then I look at a Sunbeam advertisement which I have on the wall on front of me and I think, maybe that’s the way Rootes wanted it to look. In other words, the rear fender covering most of the tire, while the front fender has a gap between the tire and the body.
          Is there a standard? If so, is there a way to adjust it, other than taking the car apart and sawing off part of the coil spring?
          Jim Anderson

        • #59098

          If there is a standard, it has not been defined or documented. The consensus seems to be that the S-3 front springs from Brit Vic will lower the front of the S-V without going too far.

        • #59101

          Jim I too think the cars are too high in the front. The distance from the top of the tire to the lip of the fender on the later cars is huge. I have heard all sorts of reasons for this from Rootes did it to meet bumper height requirments to Tiger rated springs used on all the cars. What ever the reason it looks funny.

          How to lower the car.. well you could chop some length off the coil springs. This changes the stiffness of the springs but I have heard of folks cutting off 1/2 to 1 coil and getting a better stance. Then there is a rubber cushion that the coil rests on that you can remove which will drop the car a bit, again ride may be a little more harsh. The SIII coils are shorter by around an inch so you can swap for a set of those. Then there are the Hillman spindles. Some of the Hillman cars have a spindle that that the axle stub is about an inch higher than the Alpine spindle. These are rare and wonderful and of course worth a packet that is if you can find a set. I had heard at one time that the Hillman dropped spindle only came on cars delivered to the Australian market which is untrue or in plain terms BS as I found my SV Minx has a set and it is a US car. Doug Jennings also informed me they came on US spec Hillmans. So to bring my SV Alpine down to earth it will get a set of the SIII springs from VB and Hillman spindles from the Minx. Then the other thing I am doing which might be a little more than you care to get into is add a 2.8 V6 and a T5. There is just no easy way to do it but I think the lower look is worth the effort.

        • #59107

          Plus it will probably go a bit better than had you just thrown a couple hundred pounds of lead under the hood!

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