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Hi – the mechanic from whom I purchased my Tiger recommended updating the brake system to a dual master cylinder system (my master is in poor condition, and the brake booster has been removed from my Tiger entirely, although I have it in a box). Has this been done before, and are there recommended parts to start the process?
Thanks for any help you can give me….
I’m surprised you haven’t gotten any replies on this one. I haven’t researched it lately, but I believe you can use a 70’s Triumph (TR6?) dual master cylinder. The tricky part is getting the bias right via a proportioning valve. With all of the racing equipment out there, you can probably find and adjustable valve. I haven’t looked but my guess is that you will find info on this upgrade in the C.A.T. Shop Notes. I don’t know how the dual master cylinder would work without a booster. You might want to start your leg exercises now.
I have seen several cars with a datsun dual master cyl, but dont know which model ….also go to a smaller bore to compensate for not having the brake booster. Mike

I am using this NABCO master cylinder which is a .700 bore, thinking this one is off a Arrow or Colt. You can do a search on ebay for NABCO and maybe run a part number or car to ground these came on so you can walk up to the parts counter and say give me a…
The brake M/C from a mid-70’s Datsun PL620 pickup is very similar except that it has a 0.750″ bore (IIRC).
I don’t think there is any practical way to use a booster with a tandem M/C (yes, I know you could use TWO boosters), so if the NABCO is 0.700″, that would be very helpful.
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