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    • #57722

      Dragged one home a week ago but don’t know what I have yet. A friend (a good friend!) located it many months ago and persisted with the owner to the point where he could get a look at it and then told me I should buy it as I’d always wanted one and he didn’t really care. This particular friend has several collector cars and has to rent hanger space to store them all. He is a good seeker-finder and will knock on doors and otherwise go looking for barn finds everywhere he goes. He was really kind to do all the legwork on this one and then gift me with the opportunity to buy when he realized it was one of my top 2 or 3 cars I would wish to own. Not being too proud, I paid up and it’s in my garage now instead of his. Lot of work to hoist it up and down onto the trailer as the rear wheels are seized, and evidently that’s how it went into the prior owner’s garage in the early 80’s and hadn’t been switched on since. The prior owner’s title says he purchased it in 1976, but no history prior to that. It will need a total redo top to bottom after sitting that long, and I’m not sure all the pieces match yet but will figure it out and then decide what to do.

      Hardest part may be deciding to sell my big Healey to finance the project, as I’ve had this particular Healey for more than 20 years. Probably need to rehab just enough to drive the Tiger a little bit and make sure which one I prefer and then see what to do.

      I’m sure I’ll need lots of help to put things in order as I work through them, glad to have found/met this forum.

    • #64093

      Welcome to the Sunbeam world!
      It sounds like you have a great project there-how about posting photos of the barn find to give hope to the rest of us who are always looking? You will have to join us at the United this Fall at French Lick. Drive the Healey there-we won’t mind! Eric

    • #64094

      French Lick sounds like a good idea, I’ll hope to make it to one or more days to do some studying and take some pictures. Picture-wise, it doesn’t look so great today, but like I wrote before, it’s going to need everything top to bottom. First one is where we found it, second one is arriving home. No accompanying story for the drug-induced rolling-on of the gold pinwheel pinstriping paint. Looks like the paint code is 39 which appears to be a bright red underneath that kind of purple-red that’s on there.

    • #64095

      Welcome. Looks like you’ve got a great start to "beaming". Having most of the parts is a huge advantage. Great looking barn find!

    • #64098

        Great looking project, seems to be all there and looks very straight from the pics. Also seesm to have been modified for the movie TRON with all the line graphics.. was probably done around the first time the original was relased.. and you have bought it just in time for the remake of that movie! ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • #64134

        Nice looking project tiger.i own a 67 mk1a in indianapolis as well.if you need any local help or a tiger to take notes from please let me dad has been the midwest rep for tigers east for several years and i myself have a barn full of tiger parts you might find handy in the area

        also we would love to have new members at united this year,feel free to come up and enjoy the car company..

        Good luck
        pat j
        773-916-9987 if you need help with the tiger project

      • #64136

        Good luck with the project… looks pretty solid in the photos – hope it was a "dry" barn!
        Having the United close to you this year is a some really good fortune – hope to see you there.

      • #64138

        Pat J, thank-you for the consulting offer, I’m sure I will take you up on it once I start having a look at what I’ve got, probably sometime this winter.

        Mark1A, I am planning to come to French Lick for a day to have a look at all the hardware and of course take some pictures. I’m not sure if it will be Friday or Saturday and I haven’t figured out yet if I have to register for $100 to walk in and have a look or if the registration is for cars and events.

        Alpine_64, while I liked the original Tron, the current version doesn’t work as well for me. In neither case had I considerd the graphic theme for my vehicle, but you’re right, I could trace out those lines with an electroluminescent wire with a 12V converter and light them up at night. I’ll keep it in mind, but I’m more tempted to wetsand them all off as a first step.

        Thanks for all your kind replies, I’ll appreciate the membership more as I start to work, but right now it’s mid-summer and I was just taking one of my kids out for his first drive behind the wheel of the Healey, and I don’t think he liked it! Hard to imagine, but I think he’ll change his mind once he’s out on his own in it without me there to chat at him the whole time.

      • #64139

        Anytime you start the project let us know.most of us are always willing to lend a hand

        as far as french lick goes,im the chairman for this united and if i was only making it for one day i would pick saturday.the car show is that will not cost any money to spectate,however if you wish to mingle in the hospitality room or parts room it will cost a very small donation
        also if you get brave you can bring the healey down and possibly autocross it as well

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