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    • #57838
      Mike Schreiner

        I just got back from the Sebring raceway (which is an hour and 1/2 from my house) Had a great time…saw alot of great cars (including the Factory Alpine) and made some new freinds….I took pictures, but with a cheapo camera (left my good one out in the rain..doesnt work anymore)….so i apologize for the poor quality of the pictures…. to see them , go to the link below….they load slowly and the Apline pics are toward the back of the series..mike Schreiner … niversary/

      • #64505
        Mark Petri

          Thanks for posting Mike – nice pictures. Looks like a good time was had by all. (guessing that the date was not set on that camera?) Tons of cool cars – new and old 😀
          Must have been great fun for that Alpine to be there for the 60th Anniversary!

        • #64507
          Mike Schreiner

            Yes, you are correct the date is not set on that camera…forgot to mention that…Also sunbeamer from the UK emailed me and wants to use some of the pictures for his publication…said he would mail me a couple of copies when it comes out….Also I am sure we will hear from Steve Alcala when he gets back to California (long drive) I assume he has some pictures too. I noticed he dropped out of the laps early done on Saturday…wonder if there was a problem with the aLPINE? Mike

          • #64511
            Mark Petri

              Nice photo of the Alpine on the track also included in this piece at


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