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    • #58571
      Bob and Jean Webb

        I just received my news letter today and there is so much wrong info in this article on oils that it scares me. SN spec oil is backward compatible with any previous spec. Yes,it may be blended using a Group 3 base stock but it is far superior to any previous base oil. Yes it may only have 750 PPM or a touch more of ZDDP but you can buy ZDDP at any parts house. As far as diesel oils such as Shell Rotella and Chevron Delo, they also carry gas engine oil specs. Todays oils can be used for normal every day use. There are synthetic oils being blended without the use of a PAO base stock. Don’t be afraid to use SN oil.

      • #67021

        I haven’t seen the RR yet. Who wrote the article? I’ll be curious to read it later whenever it is delivered.
        As a forum addict (yes, I’m on 5 other forums for the various vehicles), the question about what oil to use always stirs up nearly as much discussion as something political… everyone has "the right" opinion ๐Ÿ™„
        Seems like there are a lot of factors (such as usage) to consider, so there are different "answers" to the question?

      • #67022
        Bob and Jean Webb

          There are different views out there but to make statements that are so far from the true facts is another thing. My views are based on being in the lube business for a few decades.

        • #67023

          ^^^Iโ€™m sure that your experienced based opinion would be more than valuable.
          Just wonder why other opinions are sometimes stated like they are gospel truth? ๐Ÿ™„

        • #67024
          Bob and Jean Webb

            lack of understanding the facts.

          • #67027

            Did you read the article on the web? I still have not rec’d our copy in the mail ๐Ÿ˜•

          • #67029

            Finally got the RR in the mail… also read about the change in the postage type, guess that is why it took the extra time to arrive.

            I first heard about the lack of ZDDP in modern oils and the need for it in flat tappet engines via my Buick club buddies… of course some of them are pushing out 500 to 750 hp. After more research (close to 10 years ago now), I concluded that any oil that meets the current API standard – dino or synthetic – is good for any of our my "old" cars – as long as I add a bottle of ZDDP.
            Note that is my opinion… I won’t be writing any articles indicating that it is the only way to go.
            I recently read a thread on one of the Buick forums about engine oils, one guy got frustrated with everyone else’s stories. He went on a rant stating [basically] if you don’t have the oil analyzed at every change and tear down the engine to check for wear – then you have no real facts. I thought it was a little harsh, but probably a lot of truth there… not everyone agreed ๐Ÿ™„

            Bob – I’ve seen guys refer to the "Bob is the Oil Guy" site as a source for the best info… is that a side-line for you?

          • #67030
            Bob and Jean Webb

              You may notice that "BOB THE OIL GUY’" carries the Pennzoil advertising across the top. Being an oil guy is not a side line for me. I’ve been called "BOB THE OIL GUY" for several decades. Being an oil company rep has been my job since I was in my 30’s. I am retired but I still work for the same company with my focus now being on industrial accounts. My early years in the business was focused on the automotive end setting up and selling quick lubes when it was a new way of doing service work. The automotive end continues to change and there is a lot of misunderstanding including the makeup of synthetic engine oils which is far different from the early years. Maybe if I had thought about a copy right on the name I may have retired years ago.

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