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    • #58524

      This past weekend was quite eventful. The plan was to test on Thursday afternoon to dial in the new shock package. With the weekend weather forecast predicting wet weather looked like Thursday and the 2 sessions on Friday would be the best all weekend. Unfortunately on the 2nd lap of the test day we broke a lifter and we packed up and went home. Got home around 8pm Thursday night and got the car into the garage and up on stands and started tearing the car apart to take out the motor. By 8pm Friday night the new engine was in and had been run for about 30 minutes and all the checks done. Car was loaded back into the trailer for our return Saturday. We got up at 4am and left the house at 4:30 to reach registration at 7am. The great thing about towing early in the morning there is no traffic. Qualifying session 2 was at 9am and we got the Tiger into 4th in GT2 and 6th overall. Before the race we made a quick check including checking the valve lash again and found all was good. The race was uneventful as we were still breaking in the motor but did finish 3rd in GT2 making the podium. The weather was holding out and Sunday the worst day previously predicted as a wash out was beautiful. I did not get my rear tires cleaned off good enough and for the first 3 laps lost many seconds with the leaders. But finally the tires came in and we were keeping the gap and was starting to catch up a little at a time. We came home in second place in GT2 and 3rd overall making our second podium in 2 days. Car and engine felt much better in the race making us very happy. So all the work was worth it, yes we had fun finally and I finally got a good nights sleep.
      We have a quick turn around as we head up to Indy Wednesday to run a test session on the IMS road course with the Shelby Club. Other than running at the Brickyard the next best thing is Barry will also be running his Tiger at this test.

    • #66856

      Good stuff Tom (except for the last-minute repairs).
      Congrats on the nice results.

      Glad to hear that you and Barry will be "carrying the flag" for us Tiger folk up at SAAC-42 ๐Ÿ˜€ I’ll watch the Shelby forum for some pix.
      Hope you have a great time and I’m sure you’ll meet some great enthusiasts there. I really wanted to go back to Indy (we went sans-Tiger in ’86), but just could not make it work.

      Best Regards,

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