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Can anyone tell me which of these mounts are left and which is right?

The mounts have a short ear and a long ear with the holes that attach to the block. When installed on the hanger, the short end side should be forward.
PS: You might want to consider drilling some countersunk holes on the face side shown and putting some 5/16 reinforcing bolts through the rubber pad. Use Nylock nuts on the other side only snuggly tightened. Pics are in website article on building a 350 Lunati motor by Tim Ronak. 🙂
thanks for the feed back Gene. 😀
quote artic cat:
thanks for the feed back Gene. 😀
Also, on those done by Ford and several other suppliers, you can find a feint L or R stamped in the inner pocket that faces the block. rw
You have two right mounts……and you can see that the two right mounts are not the same. You got these from AutoZone?
Right mount number – 2221 … 11_0_43023
The left mount is part number – 2220 … 12_0_43023
I would take them back and get mounts from NAPA, much better quality and they will be correct. As tight as the egine is, you can’t have sloppy made mounts.
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