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    • #57126

      I am looking for anyone who has an OEM vacuum hose with the yellow stripe. I am going to seriously look into having it reproduced. NO MORE PAINTING.

      A hose in any condition will be a great help.


    • #62017

      I have a used one in my shop. I too was thinking it would be nice to have it repro’d but don’t know what the demand would be or how one would go about it.

    • #62019
      quote havealucky:

      I have a used one in my shop. I too was thinking it would be nice to have it repro’d but don’t know what the demand would be or how one would go about it.

      Considering that 60s Rolls Royce, Jaguar, MG, Mini and others use the same hose and it is not available to anyone for concourse restoration, the demand is high.

      I talked to a Jag shop and the guy told me he gets several calls a month from people looking for the proper hose.

      I would cut up the hose and send it to several manufactures to see who can perfectly reproduce it. I am looking at at least 1000′ being made and then providing it to these vintage auto part suppliers to include Sunbeam Specialties.

      Some good money could be made. I could sure use that hose of yours. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • #62024

      1) You might want to talk to MacGregorUKcarparts in Dundas, Ontario he supplied me with a lot of rubber parts, when I vissited hisa shop.
      2) I have a "cheap" extrusion place in California, particularly if you can get the mold made in expensivily. Most of the fixed cost is having a mold made.
      I got through a special connection a mold made for free for the Sunbeam Venezia quaarterlight windows.
      If I can help more, send me a pm.

    • #62025
      quote jaars:

      …..You might want to talk to MacGregorUKcarparts in Dundas, Ontario

      …..he supplied me with a lot of rubber parts, when I vissited his shop


      rubber parts eh? Tell us more ๐Ÿ˜†

    • #62026
      quote havealucky:

      I have a used one in my shop. I too was thinking it would be nice to have it repro’d but don’t know what the demand would be or how one would go about it.

      I have some too, about 70cm. How rich are we?

    • #62858

      Did this project ever get any traction?

    • #62860
      Bob and Jean Webb

        i have been buying them as needed on e bay / uk . just got two more recently .

      • #62862
        Jeff Nichols

          I also bought a hose from Ebay from a seller in UK. It looks close to original based on photos in the Brooklands book of old road tests.

        • #62869
          Bob and Jean Webb

            i have original hoses that i compared the new ones to and there is a difference in the hose material but they work ok.

          • #62870

            I thought the yaller stripes were different on the new UK hoses versus the original??
            True or false?

          • #62873
            Bob and Jean Webb

              the stripe is a lot brighter and does match the pattern of my old ,but the hose texture is different .they are a solid yellow stripe like my original .

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