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    • #57208

      My morning paper tells me that in the near future it will be impossible to buy gas in Florida that is not ethanol enriched. Replacing fuel lines with modern rubber and running a carb that was produced after 1980 is supposed to minimize the damage and I read one article that said you could add a few teaspoons of castor oil for each gallon of gas. The last time I bought castor oil it was not cheap. Any ideas for other additives that would help? I replaced the rubber fuel lines when I was putting the car together and am running a modern carb but am concerned about the rubber hoses connecting the fuel tanks. Apparently, carbs with a high aluminum content are also in jeopardy along with any rubber internal components. I have vivid (And not good) memories of running ethanol enriched gas many years ago and am not looking forward to it again. We will probably all end up converting to natural gas of LP if the politicians keep messing with us.

    • #62310

      I’ve heard of (and experienced) the bad things that come when you run high concentrations of methanol, having raced on M-85 for one season, but I hadn’t heard that ethanol had the same corrosive effect. I also don’t know if the smaller percentages (10 to 15%) of ethanol would have any significant effect beyond what the additives that are already in gasoline would do to the rubber parts in your fuel system.

    • #62311

      I have a Series 5 Alpine 1966 bought off the Rootes/Chrysler showroom floor on East 44th street in NYC. Now has a Weber carb but the rear fuel tank lines are original and appear to be AOK. I occasionally add STP fuel additive [in a black container] to keep out water and whatever. I use two fuel filters.No issues with repect to Ethanol.I use high test[my 1960 Alpine set me back 29.9 per gallon in 1960] and run it year round on the East End of Long Island.I don’t believe I’ve ever repacked the wheel bearings…could that be?.Second engine. I’m probably also due to repack. the grease fitings which I haven’t done in a while..the years do go by.Dragged my wife to Get Smart…the red Series 1 Tiger was on screen all too briefly even broke down! Cute performances.I’d take Anne Hathaway for a spin anytime. Frank Mooney

    • #62312
      quote Theo:

      I’ve heard of (and experienced) the bad things that come when you run high concentrations of methanol, having raced on M-85 for one season, but I hadn’t heard that ethanol had the same corrosive effect. I also don’t know if the smaller percentages (10 to 15%) of ethanol would have any significant effect beyond what the additives that are already in gasoline would do to the rubber parts in your fuel system.

      From what I have gathered on the pages is that the gas added materials that is being stuck in the tanks not to much of a problem except for storage. As far as the rubber question I haven’t heard anything yet.
      If you are storing "Like I do" a car over winter make sure the tank is completly full, as it’ the materials" gather water. Thus causing rust, hard startings and other things we all do not need.
      I will be using an additive to my Alpine engine this year an octane booster ,BUT only every other tank full.
      Good luck in your ventures
      Chuck In the Oregon Area

    • #62313

      I drive the car at least once a week year ’round. I guess time will tell.

      I also went to the local theater, displayed the car and got some pictures with the life sized promo stand-up next to the car. It was interesting. 5 out of 10 people just walked past. 4 of 10 glanced at the car. Only 1 in 10 stopped for a good look. It was most popular with 8-12 year old girls, 30 something women and old men. Definitely a different crowd than the car shows.

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