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    • #57815
      James Lindner

        Hi All,

        On Sunday 22 January 2012 I displayed my Tiger at the Cavallino Classic Sports Sunday. The Cavallino Classic is the week-long annual gathering of Ferrari enthusiasts in Palm Beach. They have track days and various technical sessions during the week and an all Ferrari Concours on Saturday. The last day of the event is Classic Sports Sunday (CSS) where other marques are invited to participate.

        My journey to Florida began last summer at the Cars and Coffee in Great Falls, VA. A gentlemen admiring my Tiger at the C&C asked me if I would consider showing it at Cavallino. He also suggested I apply to the Boca Raton Concours (2/26/12). I applied and was accepted to both events and an individual associated with the Boca event provided a secure location for me to store my Tiger between the shows.

        The CSS is held at Mar-a-Lago. I was unable to upload any photos but there are some attached to my post on the CAT and STOC Forums. I can only describe the venue and other cars participating as amazing. I also have attached a link to an article from the local paper which interviewed me. I hope my comments did justice to our favorite marque. … 18463.html

        At the end of the day my Tiger won a Best in Class award, although in the interest of full disclosure the field of cars participating was limited. Getting the invite and having the Tiger displayed at a show like this to me speaks very well for the marque.


      • #64399


        Give me your last name so I can give you credit in the Rootes Review. I would like to use your experience as an article.


        Fred Baum

        Editor, Rootes Review

      • #64426
        Mark Petri

          VERY NICE!
          Congrats on the Invitations and the award 😀
          Sounds like some very "high end" events. Hope you enjoy(ed) the experience.

          I saw a photo in AutoWeek magazine with info about the Boca Raton show… it looks like a red MKII Tiger in the picture – I guess it is from last year(?)

        • #64427
          James Lindner


            Thanks. I am looking forward to the Boca show this weekend. Cavallino had some awesome cars but as nice as Cavallino is, the field is limited. Boca appears to be a much larger event.

            Yes that is a MkII in the photo. One of our members, Stewart W participated last year and got a 3rd Place in the Foreign Sports Class (see the events section. I believe he posted some photos.) He is participating again this year. Our red Tigers, mine a very early MkI and his MkII should make a nice pair of bookends.


          • #64429
            Mark Petri
              quote VaCat33:

              Yes that is a MkII in the photo. One of our members, Stewart W participated last year and got a 3rd Place in the Foreign Sports Class (see the events section. I believe he posted some photos.) He is participating again this year. Our red Tigers, mine a very early MkI and his MkII should make a nice pair of bookends.


              Wow – that is some great recognition, really nice to get TWO Tigers in a show like that. I’ll watch for a "full report".

              I did a "double take" when I saw those stripes in the photo… patted myself on the back for spotting the MkII :mrgreen: … doesn’t anyone else read AutoWeek??

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