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    • #58223
      Mark Petri

        I spotted this Alpine at the Condon-Skelly ("we insure your fun") car show at the Mooretown NJ HQ on Saturday 9/27, hadn’t seen it or its owners in years.
        The former multi-1st place show winning car still looks great, and Bert & Cindy have also acquired a Tiger during their TE/AE sabbatical.

      • #65854
        Bob and Jean Webb

          it’s been a lot of years since they were at a united. a couple of us were talking about the car while we were at the united and wondering if they still had it. the car still looks great. did you talk them into getting back into the club?

        • #65855
          Mark Petri

            Yes, I think that they are "Back". We had a nice chat at the end of the show… we were "last out" of the parking lot. I wasn’t sure that they would recognize or remember me (I was Sunbeam "incognito" at the show with our ’89 Pace Car). It was fun to reminisce a little.
            They were "distracted" by boating for a few years, they are current members and indicated that they would be returning to activity with TE/AE.

          • #65856

            Good to hear that they are still playing with Sunbeams! They have one of the nicest early Alpines out there.
            They should have brought their boat to St Michaels last year-we could have used it to cruise around town what with all the rain we had!

          • #65861
            Mark Petri
              quote 65sunbeam:

              They should have brought their boat to St Michaels last year-we could have used it to cruise around town what with all the rain we had!

              that is not really very funny 🙄

              For the uninformed (me), which Series is this Alpine? Thanks.

            • #65862
              Bob and Jean Webb

                it’s a series 2. we also plan on hitting up the suntan lotion people for samples for the goodie bags for the 2015 united.

              • #65864
                Mark Petri
                  quote 65beam:

                  it’s a series 2. we also plan on hitting up the suntan lotion people for samples for the goodie bags for the 2015 united.

                  Bob – Thanks for the info… and I love your positive attitude 😀

                • #65865

                  That would be Bob that replied-though we are both organizing the Dayton United in 2015. Sunshine and warm weather are promised! Eric

                • #65866
                  Mark Petri
                    quote 65sunbeam:

                    That would be Bob that replied-though we are both organizing the Dayton United in 2015. Sunshine and warm weather are promised!

                    OK, I edited out my error… musta got my "beam" and "sunbeam" mixed up 😕
                    As mentioned [several times already], we are looking forward to going back to Dayton in 2015 – and especially with good weather promised 8)

                  • #65868
                    Bob and Jean Webb

                      don’t feel bad! you’re not the first to get confused by the forum names. but, if the weather in Dayton turns sour we’ll blame Eric for that.

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