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I already have the modern driveline adapter plate for early 5 bolt bell. I’m stuck on which trans to buy-they sell a front shift chevy s10 style shifter location t5 for $2,850. Would this come close to the stock 4spd shifter location-kind of a remake of the old Amc tailhousing deal i’m assuming ? Anyone ever completed the swap this way and if so what was involved other than a new hole and a trans mount fabrication ? Also if it’s more hassle than it’s worth i may go the modern driveline Tremec tkx tiger bolt in trans for 3800-Any inputs ? Thanks George
I’ve used Modern Driveline for several Mustang builds and they have been brainless installs. Support is great and I highly recommend them. I did not have to modify anything on my 65 and 66 fastbacks (toploaders). I would give them a call. Please follow up with a post! I am looking to do the same to my wife’s Mk1A at some point.
George – Hi, are you aware of the conversion kit by Tom Hall of ModTiger Engineering? Here’s the link to the website:
We’ll do, thanks for the replies-to be continued
I used TH’s conversion, bolted right in with very miner alteration to shifter hole so it looks stock with a 4 spd knob. 3plus years installed, no issues
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