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    • #58394

      While waiting for the 2016 season to start I played around with some of the old videos and posted on YouTube. These are ASF converted files so night as crisp as the Go Pro videos but fun none the less.

      This was the beginning of Team Tiger’s 2006 season at Road Atlanta. It was a huge filed 37 entries of which 6 were Gt2 cars. We qualified 14th overall. Part 1 is the start and you can quickly see the aggressive nature of my competitors. We managed to capture second and was running down the 1st place Porsche but spun coming out of turn 5. Fell to the rear of the field but managed to stay on lead lap until race was red flagged.

      The video marked part 2 is the restart after the red flag mid race. We are at the end of the lead lap with the 2 GT2 leaders in front of us within sight. Count the number of cars we pass on our way to winning the race.

      Enjoy and Happy New Year!

      Part 1 Copy and paste the link.

      Part 2 the restart

    • #66416

      Nice drivin’ 8)
      It looks like there were a lot of unhappy Corvette drivers ๐Ÿ™ left behind that day! Very impressive performance.

      thanks for putting this out here to watch.

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