Get the specifics about YOUR car from the factory

Rootes Archive Centre has access to production records to most models of Rootes cars from 1939 up to the end of 1962. You can purchase a certified Heritage Certificate showing the factory build details for a car as it left the production line.

The information includes the chassis and engine number, vehicle type, colour, date of build, date of despatch and which dealer it went to, any factory fitted extras, and original registration details (date and place of issue) subject to information available.

RAC also supplies a “Car Details” sheet which can be displayed at shows. This will contain similar information in a bolder format but without the owner’s address or other private information.

As well as the Certificate RAC can provide copies of relevant technical information sheets and other appropriate material like a period advert for that exact model (subject to availability).

A Heritage Certificate is available for the specific models and years are shown below.

Talbot (including pre Rootes)1905-1939
Humber (including pre Rootes)1915-1962
(not 32-38)
Sunbeam-Talbot (including pre-Rootes)1932-1962
General Rootes/Chrysler (Ryton & Linwood)1950-1976
Sunbeam Alpines1962-1976
Sunbeam Tiger (produced at Jensen)*1964-1967
*Tiger certificates are slowed pending information about TAC status

Cost: £55 (in Sterling) including post to USA & Canada ($90 US)
Heritage Certificate reissue £29 including post to USA & Canada ($40 US)

Fill out a form and Use PayPal here to order your certificate

Order and pay by Bank Transfer

To the RACT account at Lloyds Bank:
Sort Code: 30-97-41 Account No: 04179040
BIC: LOYDGB21063 IBAN: GB49 LOYD 3097 4104 1790 40

Send the following information to: bo******@ro*****************.uk

  • Marque, Model and year as expected
  • Vehicle chassis/Body number
  • Original Registration Number
  • Photo of car
  • Photo of chassis plate
  • Scans of any original registration document showing first registration number