
Here are the latest updates
Early registration for the British car show ends on March 24th. Save $10 by registering early versus paying on the day at the gate. http://www.bccmc.com/wp-content/uploads … tion-1.pdf

Also the block of low cost rooms at the host hotel expires on March 4th!

Schedule for the Invasion/SOS
Friday April 5th-Everything is centered around the host hotel. All day Sunbeam parts swap in the hospitality suite starting at 9 AM. Lunch will be served at noon. At 2 PM there will be a V-6 conversion and power steering tech session and a Sunbeam steering wheel restoration tech session. There will be local drives, Sunbeam talk in the parking lot, and then a drive to our favorite local BBQ for a pay as you go buffet around 6 PM.
Saturday March 24-8:45 AM -leave for the British car show. Registration and parking for the show is from 9 AM until 11 AM. Car show awards are at 3PM. The hotel hospitality suite will open after the car show ends. We will have a pay as you go dinner at 7 PM.

Any questions please ask!