
Like they say you can not win them the all. We qualified 7th in GT2 9th overall with 23 GT2 cars and 57 cars total. Saturday was the 1st race and Dave and John Kulasa stopped by the trailer before the race. At that time the sun was out and all was well. The race before our 57 car field was to start started in the sun but half way through the rain came. We were not going out in the rain as there was nothing to gain and a lot to lose with a field that big. So we all went into the infield with umbrellas and rain gear to watch "my" race. On the formation lap several cars spun off the track resulting in several wave offs before they finally brought the remainder of the field in to the pits. After removing the offending cars the race finally gets the green. On the completion of lap one a GT1 Jag spins in turn one and 2 cars pile him to it resulting in the race being checkered. So after that fiasco we had another shot on Sunday. Our race was scheduled for 2pm and of course after a beautiful day that was when a storm was scheduled to hit. Doug Jennings and I prepped the car and had it ready but once again in the race just before ours it started raining so we loaded up thinking that was it. No sooner had we finished loading the rain stopped it was still cloudy but very windy. I started to walk up to pit lane to look at the track and got half way there when the track announcer mentioned that the track was drying already. I headed back to the trailer and we unloaded the car got my driver’s equipment on and made the false grid just before the 5 minute warning. Once on the track I was amazed how good a shape it was in and immediately worked on heating up the rear tires preparing for the start. On the green flag the tires were still not up to temp and lost 2 spots in the esses. In front of me 2 Corvettes were bouncing off each other and a GT2 Camaro had been pushed off into the grass was coming back on in front of everyone. On the second lap tires were getting better and I had gaped the cars behind me. Starting the 3rd lap I could feel the tires were really coming on and I started to gain on those cars in front. On the 3rd lap just as I jumped on the power at the apex of the carousel and the Tiger lost drive, the thru shaft in the rear end broke. Parts are on the way so we will be heading to Watkins Glen for the races 6/24-25.