
What a difference a year makes. Last year–my first time to the Hawk Vintage Races–we enjoyed phenomenal weather. This year not so much.

Drove through 4 1/2 hours of rain on Thursday, set up camp in a drizzle, endured a couple more storms early Friday am and then found ourselves on the losing end of strong winds Saturday morning when a thunderstorm descended and laid waste to canopies and tents alike, including ours. But, and this is a big BUT, the races continued to be phenomenal and we were blessed with periods of sunshine and blue sky.

The treat for us this year was to watch John Daniels campaign his green Tiger #13 and complete some very respectable laps within an uneven grouping. Charles Glapinski also ran his red #09 Tiger.

Paul, I’m sorry to have missed you and thanks for leaving your card in my Tiger. I didn’t see your message about being with the 356 Enterprise group prior to departure; I would have looked for you in the paddock area. As it was, we had a nice visit with John Daniels and his crew.

Randy Z.