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    • #58359
      Mark Petri

        I suppose that eventually I’ll get tired of making posts that I thought may be of interest?

        I was at the [huge] AACA Fall Meet Car Show at Hershey PA on Saturday. Among the crowd of beautiful cars I spotted this Blue MkII. I guess we’ll have to wait for Kim or Rob to chime in with the results.
        In any case I highly recommend that this show be on your list of things to see. Cars from every era 190x to 1980 from more manufacturers than I’ve ever heard of.


      • #66306
        James Lindner

          If this Mark II is anything close to their red one, I am sure the car breezed to an award.

          Interesting that they displayed the car with redline radials. AACA rules specifically state that redline radials must be supported by documentation. Not an expert, but I do not think MKII’s came with redlines. Were any of the later Tigers equipped with radials?


        • #66307

          Thanks for posting Mark! Love the blue with white hardtop. Where does one buy redline 13 inch tires now? Hope the owner sees this and chimes in. Eric

        • #66308

          I was there on Friday. Did anyone see the one owner, original title, blue Tiger for sale with the birds nest in the glove box?
          I have pictures with a phone number, but don’t know how to post pictures.

        • #66309
          quote 65sunbeam:

          Thanks for posting Mark! Love the blue with white hardtop. Where does one buy redline 13 inch tires now? Hope the owner sees this and chimes in. Eric

          I happen to have an extra set of LAT70 with 13" redlines just like those in storage.


        • #66310
          Mark Petri

            They had those same redlines (or another set?) on the Red MkII at SAAC-40… and with LAT9s on their black car (seen at the Pagoda Hillclimb 2012 B.A.S.H.)

          • #66311
            Mark Petri
              quote VaCat33:

              If this Mark II is anything close to their red one, I am sure the car breezed to an award.

              Interesting that they displayed the car with redline radials. AACA rules specifically state that redline radials must be supported by documentation. Not an expert, but I do not think MKII’s came with redlines. Were any of the later Tigers equipped with radials?


              Thanks Jim, I shudda figured that you would "know all about" the AACA judging circus.
              I also wondered about the hood louvers?
              I have no actual facts, but can’t imagine any Sunbeams being equipped with radials in 1967…

            • #66312
              Mark Petri
                quote TAH_Tiger:

                I was there on Friday. Did anyone see the one owner, original title, blue Tiger for sale with the birds nest in the glove box?
                I have pictures with a phone number, but don’t know how to post pictures.

                I did not see that car… is that the one from VA that was discussed earlier on here? Only had a little time there on Friday with dodging that thunderstorm 😯
                My buddy and I were joking that any car that was a "barn find" it was worth a lot more $$ as we walked thru the Car Corral 🙄

                To post pictures they need to be hosted on a third party site such as photobucket, imageshack, etc (I’m currently using IMGUR)… then insert the link.
                You can take a look at this thread and see if it helps:

                or you could give me a call?

              • #66321

                Here is the Tiger that was the original owner. It was from MD and asking 40k. I do have a phone number if any one is interested.

       … tiger-mk1/


              • #66322
                Mark Petri

                  ^^^ for "Barn Finds" – the dirtier the better? 🙄

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