    quote panelman:

    Dear Sir

    For the past 15 years,I have been stamping floor pans for Alpines and Tigers .
    Which I have supplied Rob Martel with all his floor pans, which he called his own
    and sold everywhere. I still stamp the floor pans and have several sets in stock for sale.
    My name is Dave Lameront my email address is dlameront@hotmail.com if you are interested .
    I have been told my panels are very correct and I have shipped them all across North America,
    with no complaints.

    Dave Lameront

    Hi: I noted in your photos that the stampings are just that, stampings. There are no roll or steps on the panel edges to duplicate the correct shape and varied steps in the original floor systems. These things (shrink & stretch) would still have to be done to a correct pattern. The correct rear floor buckets should also include the roll up the back bulkhead to the deck seam. But it certainly is a very helpful start. thx