Rick Lara


    There was a fellow in Barrie Ontario Canada named Rob Martel who used to reproduce such parts but I believe he no longer does. However, there is a fellow in Ontario Canada by the name of Chris Lunn that does reproduce some of our Tiger/Alpine sheet metal parts. He usually does this as a favor to his friends and Rootes aficionados. He is also located in Ontario, Canada near Sarnia (about an hour or so from Detroit). His e-mail address is: chrislunn@xecelco.on.ca> and his telephone number is (519) 899-2313. Chris (and a group of his fellow Canadian "BRIT" car owners) have joined myself and John Logan on some past Michigan TE/AE member cruises and so mention our names when and if you contact him and that you belong to TE/AE. I am not sure if he makes the part you need.

    Good Luck

    Rick Lara