Hi Warren, just a FYI on a couple of things in case any of this has not been mentioned before.
As it came from the factory, the block is shimmed up from the motor mounts by the thickness of those little metal heat shield strips and about 1/8 thick washers between the block and the two motor mount holes. Some people have removed the washers to gain air cleaner to hood clearance to accomodate aftermarket high rise intake manifolds. Unfortunately that also lowers the fan end of the motor and can cause the stock fan to hit the rack tube.
Also be careful in changing motor mounts. There are some out there, usually made in China, that would seem to fit but are problems. One that I have encountered is that they are too thin in cross section. The rubber and metal plate cross-section should have an outside dimension of about 1.25 inches. I have bought some said to fit early 260 and 289 Ford motors which are closer to only 1 inch thick. If someone replaced your mounts with these thinner cross-section mounts, your motor is going to set significantly lower. Elsewhere it has been said some of these mounts also do not have the correct angles in their metal stamped parts. I seem to recall reading that the ones from NAPA are okay, and perhaps Anchor as well, but cannot find the source. The 1.25 inch dimension comes from measuring a new set I am about to put in. I have a set of thin ones sitting on a shelf with which to compare!
Cheers, Gene
PS: There is probably a tech tip somewhere about putting counter sunk 5/16 cross bolts through the rubber sandwich part as a reinforcement. If you are not familiar with it and cannot find it, please ask if interested.