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quote 65sunbeam:
Sownman-I am not sure where you live but if you can make it to the Sunbeam Invasion or the TE/AE United there should be a really nice ’69 Alpine there-if 65beam gets his finished in time! He knows lots about them too. I would like to have the rarest one-a Holbay H120! I got a ride in a Sunbeam Lotus while in England a few years ago and it was unreal how fast that car is. It would scare a few Tigers out there. To the best of my knowledge, none have made it to the USA and that is a real shame. Eric
I’m an LA guy so not much east coast stuff for me. I just attended my first Tigers United at Big Bear. Had a great time. I am Tiger shopping
and rather than do my usual daily Tiger search I did a Sunbeam search and got the hit on the 69 Alpine. I am a former Lotus Cortina owner and would love to find a Sunbeam Lotus. I visited the UK based SL owners website. Seems you are probably right about none in the US and only about 400 total.
If any of you east coasters knows of a good all stock driver (not show quality but rust free) Tiger in the Cal/Nev/Ariz area please let me know
Tiger shopping is very frustrating. Between the unaffordable rotiserrie restores, the rust buckets, and the fakes, the personalizations it’s not easy. All I want is a Tiger equipped as it came from the factory without the 40 years of rust