You guys are far far off been collecting Tigers since forever.
The original Tiger Tom rebuild my first Tigers Tack in 1979. Drive
a custom Tiger evreryday in the summer when its nice. Never
cared about stock Tigers.. However, I have a project Tiger I bought
back in 1985. Strippeed and primed on a rottesrie waiting for paint.
This is where I’m at. My customs are airbrushed and chromed they
wouldn’t know what undercoating is. My alpines only had undercoating
in the wheel wells and under the rockers. This Tiger I stripped only had
asmall amount of undercoating. In the tunnel was red primer which
the factor missed when painting code 86. The green never made it.
This is how original I want to go. If this was a corvette I could tell
you where wax marks were left to show time of a day it was made.
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