January 4, 2008 at 11:33 am
I did a little web surfing and you are right. Ridge reamers are more expensive in the UK. You can buy them here for $25-$35. Below are two places you can buy one in the UK and the Rover folks will apparently let you rent one.
http://www.chrometrader.co.uk/ViewProdD … u_name=J&S
http://www.concepttools.co.uk/p/LISLE-R … -1248.aspx
Rover Drivers Guild
Membership Secretary – Colin Blowers
32 Arundel Road
Phone 01582 572499
Many years ago, when I was 16, I was using a really crappy ridge reamer on a ’57 Studebaker. I was BSing with a buddy (Part of being young and dumb),not paying attention, and ended up essentially threading the cylinder wall as the reamer worked its way to the bottom.