Any brand name oil should be sufficient. I doubt that any of us are going to go very far between oil changes or are going to run the engines low on oil. In really cold climates, run a bit thinner oil. Actually, I doubt that many of our cars are going to see much winter running to begin with. In warmer climates, run the thick stuff. The factory recommended 10W-30 is a great compromise for all climates. Synthetic or not, I doubt that there are going to be many oil related problems in cars that are pampered treasures. I have an old flat tappet engine with crappy oil pressure so I run Castrol 20W-50. I put about 3,000 miles a year on the car and change the oil at least twice a year. With a more modern (roller) engine, I would run synthetic just because it should offer better start-up protection for an engine that doesn’t get started every day.
Racing is a whole ‘nother story.