
Everything is disconnected now, just the engine and tranny mounts to go.

While the motor is out, I will just do some checks, and a clean up. The leaks were probably just lose bolts in the oil pan. I am tempted to do some engine work, but as it runs well, I probably will leave it alone until a full rebuild is needed.

I will check/top up the oil in the steering rack. I noticed that one aluminium wedge plate is corroded as they do, so they will both be replaced, I think I can get new ones.

Somewhere I read that there is a weakness in the sub-frame and cracks can appear. Can anyone shed any light on that, and any other special checks needed?

I already back flushed the rad, and it ran brown for a full 4 minutes until it came clear. No wonder the engine ran a bit hot at full tilt!

I am planning to check/adjust the shifter while its all out. Sometimes 3rd disengages, but it’s not a big problem.