I’ve explored this in a number of directions over the past several years (young kids and work commitments give me more time to ponder than to fabricate)… I acquired an ’88 Mustang EFI setup, as well as a Ford truck intake setup. The port shape and size of the truck lower manifold is equivalent to what Holley uses on their manifold. I determined that to make things fit it would be necessary to lower the injectors by about 1/2" and take as much as possible off the lower-to-upper manifold flange. I eventually reground a 3/4" drill bit to suit the seat profile for the injectors, then made a jig to hold the manifold at the appropriate angles on my mill table, and drilled the injector bosses down to re-seat the injectors as low as I dared. I then milled the lower-to-upper flange down about 3/4". Then I put the project on the back burner… I can take pictures if anyone really wants.
Currently I’m in the process of putting a BossEFI throttle body on my F4B manifold. I figured that it would be a much less time intensive way to get out the door, and I can always go forward with one of my other plans later.
In order to fit the BossEFI throttle body on the manifold I had to remove my engine mount spacers and heat deflectors (to lower the engine as much as possible) and also remove some material from the backside of the throttle body, to clear the firewall reinforcing rib. It was a question of "what are you going to cut"… I’ve taken off about as much as I think is prudent from the throttle body, I could machine down the carb flange on the F4B if I need to go lower. I have about 1/8" clearance between the throttle body and the firewall.
Here’s a question: Down at the other end of the car I’ll have to mount the fuel pump. Does anyone have a good picture of how the fuel pump is mounted in the Alpine spare tire well on the Mk2 Tigers? I’m not trying to misguide anyone (although since I’m working on B382002705 it’s a damn-near Mk2) but if I’m going to move things around then I might as well still make it stock-like.