September 5, 2007 at 1:59 pm
I bought a moonstone Series 1 in 1960 while in the Army.Sarge called it [with the top up] a"pregnant roller skate" as he drove a gigantic 1959 Lincoln convertible.Loved the way the Series 1 handled,gas was 26.9 cents,a $5 dollar bill got you $2 back..drove it across the USA in 1964 top down[no top] all the way[neither rain,sleet etc.].Traded it [wish I kept it] in 1966 for a Series 5.Still have the Series 5,repainted original forest green,running well on second engine.No modifications although the Toyota transmission is intriguing. Owned a Tiger II since 1996.Also green,engine rebuilt. In case of fire I tell my wife if you want to be sure you are saved…sit in the Alpine! Live in NYC and Eastern end of Long Island.Stop by! Frank Mooney