
Wayne,appreciated the Ken Howes info.I was at Notre Dame 55-59 and became a big fan of the Studebakers of that era,Hawks,Golden Hawks etc.,even the Lark,"South Bend Goes Up With The Lark" and of course the Avanti.Many were Raymond Lowry designs Studebakers went from making Connestoga horse drawn wagons to beautiful cars.They also shipped a vast #[100,000 or more?]of trucks to Russia during WWII.[Drives me crazy that we can’t now get four thousand reinforced armoured vericles To our guys in Iraq 53 months after the March ’03 invasion].Studebaker also became the US distributor/importer of Mercedes cars…Mercedes had no dealer network in place.;Studebaker’s costs were high,an antiquated multi story plant couldn’t have been more inefficient.The workforce went on strike and stayed out a couple of extra days over one remaining issue[I swear this is true]whether they would get 15 minutes or 10 minutes of paid end of shift wash up time! Very nice Studebaker museum in South Bend worth a visit. frank mooney