Robert, it’s a little late, your OD is installed and done. The pain and agnoy are memories. But it didn’t have to be that way. To inserrt mainshaft into OD is quite simple.
1. Make OD vertical, tail shaft down
2. Insert a long straight blade screw driver into the splines of the sun wheel and sprag clutch. Use the screw driver to rotate the one set of splines so they line up. The sprag clutch allows the splines to rotate only one way, naturally.
3. Rotate OD pump cam so the low point will make contact with OD pump roller.
4. Drop trans into place. It it doesn’t fall in place, lift trans out slightly,turn shaft slightly, drop back in. It may take several attempts. I remove trans after couple tries and reassess spline alignment.
Bingo. About 5 min.
Your next Veneiza will be easier.