Bob, I bought from Moss Motors a small inflatable pillow for lumbar support, put it in the Alpine Seat. It has a hand ball attached to it to inflate/deflate it. It installs in the seat back , under the vynal. I too have lower back problems and sunbeam seats lack lumbar support on a trip. It is not noticable in the seat when deflated. I also have AC componants to install in both cars and cruise control for the Alger (C4 auto)….I am trying to make these cars trip freindly. I have trailered in the past to Tiger Toms, Saint Louis, Suni 1..ect. I prefer to drive the car, but of course I seem to have more than my share of breakdowns. .(people shy away from caravaning with me)…….Speakin of a trailer, I know where there is a nicely made 1/2 of an alpine trailer for sale….even has shortened doors on it…It is in VA……Years ago I had a chance to buy white Harrington in Atlanta for 5k….I looked at it and passed….regreted it ever since……He had taken the OD out of it…I did buy the tranny…Mike
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