Mike Schreiner

    Oh Hi Eric, Yes I thought that was you….Was trying to mess with you…yes was a nice trip to Covington ( I went in my van as no sunbeam was drivable)…I will have my Alpine in Daytona though…Alger wont be ready…Big British car show the 7th of April 2 miles from my house..TAC inspectors will be there checking Tigers…It is at the Queen Mary British Pub, so I might have a beer or two. By the way, four of us sunbeam owners in the neighborhood recently bought four new winshields at the Victoria British Winter Sale….seemed like a deal at $130. but one guy tried to install his, they are too long, too big to fit… 3/8 inch too wide…. He fianally got it in after 4 hours work with two guys, and I also bought from them an Alpine Slave cyl, it said made in China…didnt have the reverse flare fitting for the clutch line….gota watch Vic British… Know anyone that wants a triumph spitfire? Mike