mike ,
keep in mind that some of us ,for various reasons can not make long trips driving these cars.jean and i used to drive them everwhere in our younger days but something like the deteriation of jean’s lower three discs just does not allow us to make those long drives anymore. my harrington is one of the rougher cars to travel in due to the stiffness of the suspension. but we have a 24 year old that will drive any of the cars anywhere. we drove a series 5 to our first united at williamsburg.that was a long time ago. lets see; we drove to downingtown,indy,niagra falls,huntsville,etc.my point being that we do show up with a car.we just can’t make the long drives anymore like we used to! but that may change with the updated 69 GT that is being built.so do not knock people that show up with their car on a trailer.we don’t have to clean the car as much that way either.