My dumbest one was when my finger got stuck in an Alpine. I was living in Tenn, Found a parts car on a Farm, the deal was I could have the parts car if I made her other Alpine (which had been sitting ) drivable. I towed it home, refreshed the hydraulics, cleaned the carbs, and during A test drive notived the tranny shifted hard. At 2 am, lying under the car in the garage,wife asleep in the house…I took the side level plug out of the tranny and stuck my finger in, no level, then I stuck it way in , reaching down, looking for a level. Now I have cracked my knuckles for many years and being a martial artist have punched thru many boards, so the joints are enlarged……..Finger got stuck and wouldn’t come out…..I laid there for about 10 minutes…it was funny at first…then I got mad and pulled and turned as hard as I could……I finally got it out, but it was cut and bloody….felt stupid (why am I telling this) Turned out the tranny had water emulsified 90 weight rear end oil in it and when replaced with the proper 30 weight engine oil, it shifted perfectly. I returned the car to the Farm Lady and she was delighted, she only drove it around the farm and her husband refused to workon a FURNIN car. I happliy towed home the parts car …(one of many over the years)………..Mike Schreiner
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