
Electrical connections for wiper motors seem to defy normal wiring logic for most owners. That said, let s find out if you have electrical or mechanical problmes. Let’s determine the electrical integrity first.

Disconnect the mechanical linkage from the wiper motor.

1. Ground the wiper motor to the chassis of the car. Use a wire to connect the wiper case to chassis ground or simply hold the wiper motor case to clean chassis metal.

2. Connect the green wire to 12+

3. Connect the Brn/grn and the Red/Grn wire to Chassis ground. The wiper motor should run in slow speed.

4. Remove one of the wires in #3. above (I forgot which one) from ground and the wiper motor should run faster.

5. Removing both wires from #3. above, the motor should run on high until it "parks"

Wired in #3 above will eventually be connected to your wiper control switch. Use the schematic in your shop manual to see which wire goes where. You do have a shop manual…Right??

Mechanical problems are usually associated with the shaft on the wheel box seizing up. There were tech tips to solve that problem about a year ago in the RR.