Hi Jose
I would assume that here in Canada there are fewer sunbeam owners that I don’t see that type of person.
Somewhere along the passage of time someone came up with the idea of me being the crazy canuck.Crazy or not I have enjoyed the past 43 years being involved in Sunbeams.
Also living in Manitoba Canada we are by far the most car people.Our classic. muscle. antigue what ever per 1000 people is high.The differse interest is fantastic. Her every one seems to be really interested in your car when at shows.We have had a few shows with 5000 + cars.
Caroll Shelby has been here and whats his name from the Classic car show on TV has been here a couple of times
Our spring swap meet will bring out in excess of 5000 people.Many will bring there car special car as the driver gets in free as well.
Maybe I just haven’t travelled enough to meet those so few people who always think they are the experts on everything but really are so tunnel
proned to know not that much after all.
I guess I will just keep on doing what I do as I really do enjoy it.Like you I have enjoyed the challenge doing the modifications and the results.
And of course not to forget the utmost thing in all of this which is
Spring is almost here and the 62 is starting to get restless.
Or is that just an eager me.
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