Here’s the story
I rebuilt my booster for my 66 Tiger it works but the brakes stick very lightly and I only noticed this on a 20 mile test drive with mutable stops. When I rebuilt it I polished the bores with a wood dowel and 600 grit emery at the same time I saw a NOS brake booster on E-Bay and I dint want to loose it so I bought it. When it arrived I realized it was a 7″ unit!
I figured I would make the best of it and use the 7″unit. before using the 7″booster I took it apart to inspect it even though it was sealed I found some of the assembly grease had dried out so it needed a thorough cleaning. After cleaning I inspected the bores they are pristine.
Here is what else I found out the only thing different with the main body is the small end of the valve control piston, its smaller on the 7″ booster
What I was going to do is take all of the seals off of my 5″ booster and use them in the 7″ booster body with my 5″vacuum cylinder. I didn’t want to by a new rebuild kit at $85 but with the control piston being a different size my new 5″ rubber pieces wont fit.
Should I buy a new kit or give the body to a machine shop and have them bore out the high pressure bore to fit my 5″ valve control piston.
I know its ling winded but any suggestions would be appreciated