Stephen Myers

    Okay I got a chance to my tiger for its first long trip this weekend. Here is what I had done up to that point.

    I got the radiator dipped and roded. When I got it back I sanded off the rust and painted it with the special Radiator Black paint from Eastwood being careful not to get much paint on the core.

    I put in a 160 degree thermostat and for fun I put in a new stock temp sensor I got from VB (this sensor read about the same as the previous one so I figure it is working properly). A couple months ago I was driving the tiger and it got so hot that it blew off the top radiator hose which also makes me believe that it is reading correctly.

    Driving between home and work the tiger now stayed cool at around 180 degrees. On Saturday however I drove it about an hour away on the interstate to do some Dyno testing. The whole way it was creeping up to 250 degrees but I made it there safely.

    One the way back it was the middle of the day and the car quickly got up to 250 after a couple miles on the interstate. I pulled off and took the highway home. On the highway it was able to start cooling itself down and I made it back with no problems.

    It seems that at fast engine speeds it is not able to keep cool. 1. Either the hose is collapsing like stated above. 2. The air is getting trapped in the engine compartment and so flow is obstructed. 3. Something I haven’t though about.

    Any ideas?

    PS: Wayne how did you know my name?