I’m still reviewing various rewiring options.Have just received a 2006 Ron Francis wiring Catalog.They have a LUCAS replacement harness that sounds interesting,appears to be very state of the art with fuse box that allows an individual to select[by sliding a switch]whether a component is tied to the ignition being on or not.$329.00.I will call them for more info.In a sidebar they are emphatic about ammeters[which I believe all Alpines and Tigers were so equipped] as being dangerous a cause of electrical fires. They strongly recommend taking out the ammeter…putting in a voltmeter.While I’m mindful that fire is of concern I happen to like ammeters.When I start up the ammeter immediately informs me if I’m charging or not which is helpful information.Alternator belts[and alternators] have been known to slip or break.You’ll get a fast reading from an ammeter when this occurs not so with a voltmeter.I have a voltmeter on some other vehicles.It is normally so static I rarely give it a look.Oil pressure,temperature and fuel gauges all move and provide continuing updates..So why go with the voltmeter? frank mooney
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