The Victoria British pressure regulator is a small nice looking crome unit with 5 settings.The settings do not show the pressure being supplied but are numbered 1-5.#3,my selection, is for V-8’s with 4 barrels my Holley 600 cfm.With shipping $40.20.Unfortunately a few days after installation the fuel flow ceased or at best dribbled out.Scratch the head time,decided finallyto remove the pressure regulator/LIFO.Straight flow through the fuel filters[one pre pump one after]success!Car runs very nicely.However I have a bit of gasoline weepage[having removed the carb for inspection] at the point where the fuel line enters the Holly.a right angle fitting requiring two thin copper washers.I have a box assortment of various copper washers…none fit.Off to Advance Auto[which sell Holleys,no washers that fit…likewise NAPA].Hardware store closed at noon on Sunday…so I’m going on line hopefully with Holley and find out what gives with their elusive washers. I’m returning the pressure regulator.Victoria supplies a nice form so we’ll see how this turns out.Holleys web site advises that the 390 cfm is the better choice for the small block 289 but the 600 is the hot rodders favorite. frank mooney
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