
Chuck, first off great work on the cooling project. You’re right, you have to have data to make educated decisions about the options you’re looking at. I hope to have more info for you folks tomorrow evening, and I hope to be able to give some results that might help someone in the future.

In my case, like I mentioned, had I found more insight into the radiator issue I wouldn’t have gone with the Fluidyne but now that I have it, I’m stuck with it for better or for worse! I’ll try my fan, and if it doesn’t work well then I’ll pick up a 4-blade.

Thanks for the pointout for the Ford fan shroud, I’ll see if I can come across one. The same goes for the Fairmont/Zephyr pulley, it’s high on my list of junkyard items to find. Right now, my intent is to get this car driveable, and later I’ll look into getting an original shroud, etc. But, as mentioned earlier, $450 can go a long way towards working on a lot of cooling mods.

In raising the engine, does that create any stress on the transmission?

I’ll know a lot more tomorrow once I get a good look at the engine fan mount, and I install the pusher fan. I picked up the 414 six-blade 14″ fan today and had the shop drill out the center to 31/32″ it’s the Flex-A-Lite black fan. I figured the price was right and it was a lot easier to have the shop drill out the plastic center, and then fit it as required tomorrow. I just read that it ranked lower than the stock fan in terms of air moved, but at least tomorrow I’ll have a chance to test it out. The nice part is, if I can actually install it in an expeditious manner, then I can go ahead and drive it around to see what the results are.