
OK, it ends up that the fan is a 17315 Derale, basically their heavy-duty black fans, rigid not flex. I knew the deal was too good to be true, I’m fairly certain that this fan won’t fit, even if the center is enlarged and the blades trimmed if required, because it seems like it will be too thick. So, it’s back to the dealer. 🙄

Instead, I can get one of these locally:
http://www.flex-a-lite.com/auto/html/40 … onomy.html

It’s worth a shot, I think it would be easier to try.

I’m going with about a 50/50 Zerex/distilled water mix based upon a few things I’d read, I just didn’t know if anyone had any other words of wisdom.

The temp switch and the wiring harness showed up today, and I’m really happy because the relay comes pre-wired with a lot of wire, plus it’s set up for a manual override switch if you want to use it. Redundancy is good.

I’ll post a report on Saturday night, assuming I’m not up to my elbows in antifreeze all day.